Pred Popolcovou stredou (Ash Wednesday), teda pred začiatkom pôstu (Lent) sa v mnohých krajinách zachováva tradícia robenia a konzumovania palaciniek (pancakes). Ľudia pred pôstnym obdobím zvykli pripravovať chutné a sýte jedlo, ktoré často obsahovalo vajíčka (eggs), mlieko (milk), múku (flour) a cukor (sugar). Takto sme si so šiestkami podľa receptu v angličtine pripravili palacinky. A verte mi, ich príprava trvala dlhšie ako ich konzumácia. 😊
Ak sme Vám narobili chute, prikladáme aj recept:
500 g of plain flour
3 large eggs
1 litre of milk
3 tbsp (table spoon) of oil
Extra oil for frying
Some lemons
Filling – jam, chocolate spread
Pinch of salt
- Put the flour, eggs, milk, some oil, sugar and pinch of salt into a large bowl.
- Then whisk to a smooth mixture.
- Set a medium frying pan over a medium heat and carefully wipe it with some oiled kitchen paper.
- When it ´s hot, cook your pancakes for 1 minute on each side until golden.
- Serve with lemon and sugar, or your favourite filling (jam, chocolate spread, whipped cream...)
- Enjoy!